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Aerial Ace is a helper bot for Poketwo which provide various functionalities on top of being a Pokédex. Log battles, view leaderboard, register shinies and more.

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Aerial Ace is a helper bot for Poketwo which provide various functionalities on top of being a Pokédex. Log battles, view leaderboard, register shinies and more.

Features :

  1. View Dex entry of any Pokémon.
  2. View random Pokémon and read about them.
  3. Add tags to your name and ping them for anything from favourite collections to shiny hunts.
  4. View the best stats of Pokémon for battling.
  5. View the best moveset of any Pokémon for battling.
  6. View the best nature of any Pokémon for battling.
  7. View pokemon tierlists.
  8. Register Battles and view leaderboards.

Commands :

-aa roll <upper limit> rolls a dice.
-aa dex <pokemon name> displays the Pokédex entry of the provided Pokémon.
-aa rand_poke displays a random Pokémon from the dex.
-aa tag <tag> tags you to the provided tag.
-aa tag_ping <tag> pings the users currently tagged to the provided tag.
-aa tag_show <tag> shows the users currently tagged to the provided tag.
-aa stats <pokemon name> displays the best stats for the provided Pokémon.
-aa moveset <pokemon name> displays the best moveset of the provided Pokémon.
-aa nature <pokemon name> displays the best nature of the provided Pokémon.
-aa tierlist <tier type> displays the tierlist of that type. Available types are common, mega, rare, water.
-aa log_battle @winner @loser logs the battle in the leaderboard.
-aa battle_score displays the current battle score the user.
-aa battle_lb displays the battle leaderboard of the server.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.