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It's Alexa, but for Discord! A Voice Commanded Discord Bot with hand free controls. Don't switch tabs to change the music, keep your gameplay uninterrupted and tell it to Alexuh.

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It’s Alexa, but for Discord

A Voice Commanded Discord Bot with hand free controls

Type “alexuh join” to have her join you in voice channel

Type “alexuh help” to see list of commands

No More Alt+Tab

Don’t switch tabs to change the music, keep your gameplay uninterrupted and tell it to Alexuh.

Control the Music

Alexuh, play Despacito

Control the Players

Alexuh, move Timmy to Timeout

Control the Server

Alexuh, kick Wumpus

And much more!

Command List

Alexuh, Mic Check

Alexuh, tell me a Joke

Alexuh, play ‘Despacito’

Alexuh, volume 5 (1-10)

Alexuh, pause

Alexuh, resume

Alexuh, stop

Alexuh, kick Tim

Alexuh, mute Gerald

Alexuh, unmute Gerald

Alexuh, mute everyone

Alexuh, unmute everyone

Alexuh, show me a tiger

Alexuh, give me a Waifu

Alexuh, roast Tyler

Alexuh, spell Lantern

Alexuh, how do I make a wooden pickaxe

Alexuh, leave

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.