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It is an all in 1 bot with moderation commands, fun commands, economy commands, ticket commands and utility commands along with some unique commands. Invite it now!

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Dark Killer


It is an all in 1 bot with moderation, fun, utility, ticket and economy commands!!

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Alfred Commands Prefix: a!

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Created By: Dark Killer# 0001

This Bot Powers the Following Communities:

Prefix is a!. You can use a!help to get a list of commands!!

Available Commamds:-

Moderation :-

a!warn Warns the mentioned user

a!mute Mutes the mentioned user

a!kick Kicks the mentioned user

a!ban Bans the mentioned user

a!unmute Unmutes the mentioned user

a!unban Unbans the mentioned user

a!checkwarns Tells number of warns of the mentioned user

a!removewarns Removes number of warns said of the mentioned user

Ticket :-

a!open Opens a ticket

a!close Closes a ticket

Utility :-

a!giverole Gives the named role to the mentioned person

a!nickame Gives the mentioned user a new desired name

a!purge Deletes the mentioned amount of messages

a!serverinfo Gives basic information about the server

a!userinfo Gives basic information about the mentioned user

a!avatar Gives avatar of the mentioned user

a!removerole Removes the named role from the mentioned person

Economy :-

a!bal Check your balance

a!userbal Check balance of the mentioned user

a!daily Get some money by using this command daily

a!work Get some money by using this command every hour

a!givemoney Give money to the mentioned user

a!dep Deposit your money in bank

a!with Withdraw your money form bank

a!rob Rob some money from the mentioned user

a!shop Shop of DarK Bot

a!inventory List of items you own

a!buy Buy the named item

a!redeem Shows the number of redeems you have

a!deem Shows the number of redeems of the mentioned user

a!beg Beg bot for money

Fun :-

a!poll Have a poll about anything

a!votekick Have a poll about kicking a person

a!freenitro A nitro prank

a!rps Rock Paper Scissors game

a!meme A random meme will appear

a!slap Slap the mentioned user

a!pat Pats the mentioned user


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