Display help.
Measure the ping of this bot.
purge [number]
Deletes as many messages as you have entered.
react [emoji]
This BOT reacts to the above message.
qr [URL]
Convert the URL to a QR code and display it.
role [Process] [Role] [@User]
Add / remove roles. View details with> role.
timer [seconds]
Starts the timer for the number of seconds you enter.
timer.m [fractions]
Starts the timer for the number of minutes you enter.
Displays the current time.
kick [@username]
Kick the specified user.
ban [@username]
BAN the specified user.
unban [user ID]
Unbans the specified user.
mrecord [on | off]
Set / cancel entry / exit records.
msg [#Channel]
Sends a message to the specified channel.
msgid [Channel id]
Sends a message to the specified channel.
review [contents]
We will send the bugs of this bot to the developer.
Shows the invitation link for this bot.
Display the official homepage.
Follow Alive BOT’s announcement channel.
Click here for details