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Among UX is a bot that helps users find active games of Among Us in the same Discord server. ***Create unique GIFs to show the active games of your server***

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Among UX

Among UX is a Discord bot that helps users find active games of Among Us in the same Discord server. It is an officially verified bot by Discord working in more than 100 server!

How does it work?

Simple! Your users can create a game with a!create <Game code> <Details>. If a user is searching for a game he can do a!list, this will show all the available games, the newest games will appear at the top. If the user plays again with the same code, he can boost his game up with a!boost.

NOTE: The bot will be in Spanish by default, you can change the language to English by doing a!options language eng.

  • Send notifications to a specific channel when a game is created or boosted. (Optional)
    • Use a!options notifications on the channel you want to send notifications on. This is how it would look like:
      Notification example.
  • Automatically removes inactive games.
  • Mention a role when a game is created or boosted. (Optional)
    • Use a!options mention <Role ID> to specify which role to mention.
  • Users can edit (a!edit <Game code> <Details>) and delete (a!delete) their current game.
  • Use a!help for more information about the commands or a!options to learn how to configure Among UX (Administrators only)

Among UX the Discord bot that adds support to this amazing game to your Discord server.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.