Aliceliese Discord Bot Logo

Aliceliese Discord Bot

Full Aliceliese Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Anime commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Aliceliese Discord Bot Described:

Action • Anime • music free • moderation • fun • utility • kiss • hug • slap • kill • poke • pat • pout • angry • lick • wasted • more •

help                      Lists available commands
kiss                      Kiss someone with a random GIF
poke                      Poke someone with a random GIF
pat                       Pat someone with a random GIF 
kill                      kill someone with a random GIF
punch                     punch someone with a random GIF
hug                       hug someone with a random GIF
pout                      pout someone with a random GIF
angry                     react with an angry face
lick                      lick someone with a random GIF
wasted                    Make someone get wasted
dice                      Roll it and get a number from 1 to 6
randomnumber              Generates a random number
say                       Sends any message you type  
avatarname                Generates your profile picture with your name                     


kick [@user] [reason]     Kicks the mentioned user
ban [@user] [reason]      Bans the mentioned user
unban [@user] [reason]    unBans the mentioned user
mute [@user]              Mutes the mentioned user
unmute [@user]            Unmutes the mentioned user
deletechannel [#channel]  Deletes the mentioned channel
deleterole [@user]        Deletes the mentioned role
purge [ammount]           Deletes any ammount of message in a bulk

play                      Play music
pause                     Pause the music that is being played
loop                      Enable and disable loop
lyrics                    Get the lyrics of the current song
remove                    Remve music from queue
resume                    Resume the music that is being played 
skip                      Skip the current song
stop                      Stop the current song
queue                     To check the queue
nowplaying                The song that is currently being played


support                   Gives the link to the Support Server
invite                    Invite the bot to your server 

For Support And Bug Reports Join This Server

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Aliceliese Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Aliceliese to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Aliceliese Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ;
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Iska#0520