• Features:
100% uptime.
Weekly Updates.
High-quality audio.
Audio manipulation.
Control your music via a simple commands.
Supports YouTube, Spotify, SoundCloud and more…
Ante is a [24/7] active easy-to-use bot.
• Commands:
a!help Menu
a!play (song’s name or url) Play a song
a!pause Pause a song
a!stop Stop the song and leaves the vc
a!np Displays the song playing
a!skip Skip a song
a!volume (1-100) Set volume
a!resume Resume a song
a!queque Add a song to a queque
a!repeat Repeat
a!shuffle Shuffle
a!eq Equalizer
a!setwelcome (channel name/id)
a!setverify (role name/id)
• Required Permissions:
Send messages.
Connect to voice chat.