Araha Discord Bot
Invite Araha Bot to your Discord server and enjoy powerful music commands. Get the best out of YouTube, Twitch, Soundcloud and more. Discord bot.
upvotes in February
Araha Discord Bot Described:
Powerful, Reliable and Simple Discord Music Bot. Supports YouTube, YouTube Live, Twitch, Soundcloud, Bandcamp and HTTP.
Araha’s prefix : //
Send //help
for command list.
Send //lang en
to set personal language to english.
We will make bot’s Website.
Araha support YouTube, YouTube Streaming, Twitch, Soundcloud, Bandcamp and HTTP link.
Araha의 접두사 : //
를 전송해 도움말을 보세요.
//lang ko
를 전송해 봇의 반응 언어를 한국어로 바꾸세요.
우리는 곧 봇의 웹사이트를 만들 겁니다.
Araha는 YouTube, YouTube 스트리밍, Twitch, Soundcloud, Bandcamp 그리고 HTTP 링크를 지원합니다.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add Araha Discord Bot to my server?
You can add Araha to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Araha Discord Bot' on this page.