The Announcement Relocation System (Enriched) (or A.R.S. (E)) enables channels to act similar to Discord’s Announcement Channels.
Unlike official Announcement Channels, any server can utilize them (not just Partnered, Verified, HypeSquad Coordinator, or Developer servers).
This bot is perfect for forwarding patch notes, updates, going live notifications, and more to your user or fan base.
Users must have this bot in their server to be able to receive your announcements through A.R.S. (E).
- Help command.
- Allow users to link to the current channel.
- Prevent users from linking to the current channel.
//link [code]
- Start receiving announcements from the channel with code [code].
//unlink [code]
- Stop receiving announcements from the channel with code [code].
Required permissions: read messages, send messages, embed links, mention everyone, and use external emojis
Written with rewrite.