To even begin you need to make sure you are actually allowed to add bots to your server
Adding_the_botAdding the bot is simple, you either hit the button Add Bot
Or you use the direct link:
Small_overviewArtemis is a multi-function bot.
- Moderation
- Warn system
- Case sytem
- Translation
- Internet Search
- Verification
- And more…
Go to and login there.
Click Server Control
choose the server you want to modify, then scroll down to Channels
- This channel is used to display the welcome message for new users
- This channel is used to display several type of logs.
- This channel is used to verify new users and store muted members. For this channel to be effective, you need to use the role provided by Artemis
and give ONLY THIS role access to channels you would want to be locked. When a user gets muted, all those channels will be invisible for the muted user, and verifying users may get access to these channels if they pass the captcha.
- This channel is used to verify new users and store muted members. For this channel to be effective, you need to use the role provided by Artemis
- When a message in one of the channels gets 3 :tea: emotes, the bot will try to highlight it. This channel will be used to store highlighted messages.
Reaction Roles
- This channel will be used to use reaction roles. Make sure that this channel is completely empty apart from the message(s) containing the role emotes.
Stream Notification
- This channel will be used to display if a user goes live on Twitch.
This is gonna get complicated oh boi.
I am going to make this a sort of step by step guide for the ease of it, follow along Pond.
- Setup your Reaction Role Channel.
- Pick a role you want to be self-assignable.
- Use the command Rolemanage to make it self asignable
- Create a new emoji (This has to be a custom emote), and give it the EXACT same name as the role you made self-asignable
- Go to the channel which you picked for the reaction role channel.
- Place a message there (You can use Embed), it does not matter what the message is, but perhaps information of what the role does.
- Right click the message you just made and select
copy ID
. - Now it’s time to use React, use the ID on your clipboard as messageID and the emoji name you created which should be the exact same name as your role.
- If everything went well a new reaction should be under the message of which you copied the ID from.
- Click it to test if it worked.
- If Artemis sends a message like
Joined ****
then you are done here, you setup a reaction role.
This channel is also used for verification, time to pay some attention.
When Artemis first joins a new Guild, she will create a role called ~/Members
This is the role she gives out to new users (or users who verified), and takes away from users who get muted.
Make absolutely sure that only users with the role ~/Members
have access to the channels you want them to see if they verify.
If you did this right, then both muting and verifying should work just fine.
Artemis was created by:
Richard Dorrestijn
Discord: UtopicUnicorn#0383
A big thanks goes out to all the MIT licensed projects that I used as reference guides, and of course to Stack Exchange.
CommandsThis section will cover the commands Artemis has.
Note that not every command may be available, because I don’t update this guide quite as much as my bot.
My apologies about that.
All of the commands below require you to use a prefix in front of them, which you can setup on
Example: !help
In this guide/wiki, I am using the !
prefix, this is of course changeable on the Artemis website.
… Before using, please do visit the website to at least read a bit of the wiki, so you know how some of the commands/functions work.