List of Commands 💻
🥀 Here are all my available commands. For more information type a!help <command>
- Send the list of commands to the user.a!invite
- Send the invitation and the Support Server in the user’s private.a!ping
- Show my latency.a!svs
- It shows how many servers I am on…a!cleardm
- Clears the history of direct messages from Aura.a!privacy
- Displays Aura’s privacy policy.
- View information about a Last.FM profile.a!nowplaying
- Shows information about the music playing at the moment.a!queue
- Shows the current music queue.a!lyrics
- Shows the lyrics of a specific song.
- Add a song to the list to play…a!search
- Look for a song from YouTube. If you want it to play, just react to the emoji.a!bassboost
- Deafen your friends with the powerful sound amplifier.a!volume
- Change the volume or show the current volume of the song.a!pause
- Pause the reproduction.a!resume
- Resume the reproduction.a!shuffle
- Mix the order of the songs in the list.a!stop
- Stop the reproduction of the current song.a!skip
- Skip the current song.a!leave
- Disconnects from the voice channel and deletes the music queue.
- Change the guild language.