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Upvote AurtMix

System bot with Dashboard and amazing welcomer , commands easy to use !

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#help - Help List.
#profile - View your or someone customizable personal global profile card.
#user - shows info, such as id and join date, about yourself or a user.
#avatar - Get the user’s avatar.
#server - Shows information about the server.
#title - Add title to your profile.
#daily - Get your daily salary.
#rep - Give someone a rep point. It can only be used once every 24 hours.
#credits - It shows your balance or someone’s balance.
#ping - Bot response time test.
#ban - User ban.
#unban (ID/all) - Removing the ban for a member or for all.
#kick - Member expelled.
#mute - Mute a member from text channels so they cannot type.
#unmute- Unmutes a member.
#clear - Clean chat messages.
#lock - Disables @everyone from sending messages in specific channel.
#unlock - Removes denied sending meg from @everyone in specific channel.
#roles - Get a list of server roles and member counts.
#role - Add/Remove role to member.
#roleinfo - Info about the ranks with the names of those present in it.
#hide - Disables @everyone from show messages in specific channel.
#show - Enable @everyone from show messages in specific channel.
#invite - Giving you an invitation to the bot to add it to your server.
#colors - See all the colors in the server currently.
#color (Number) - To take any color Tbbe during this order.
#imbot (message) - To speak a webhook like a bot with your name and pic.
#ann (message) - To speak a webhook like a bot with server name and pic.

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