This bot was made only for fun, and I mean fun for everyone. Whether you like to keep it sfw, or even some people that like it nsfw.
Commands that you can use:
+help : this sends you a dm with every command there currently is in the bot.
+kick : kicks a specified user, usage: +kick @user
+ban : bans a specified user, usage: +ban @user
+purge : deletes a specified amount of messages in the channel, usage: +purge [number between 2 and 100]
+recover : recovers deleted messages of either the message sender or the specified user
+logs : shows command logs of the current server, currently and kick,ban and purge is getting logged
+randomtext : sends a random blurred image of a text
+solve : you can try to solve the random text from the randomtext command, usage: +solve [text]
+randomimage : sends a random meme template
+say : the bot sends the message that was given with the command, usage: +say [text]
+ip : sends a random message with a random ip
+neko : sends a random neko image [SFW]
+wallpapersfw : sends a random anime wallpaper [SFW]
+gif : sends a random gif, usage: +gif [text]
+me : just like the minecraft /me command, it sends your message in cursive with your name before it
and a lot more that you can view with +help