Ayana Commands
Discover the full list of Ayana commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the Ayana Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.
View Ayana Discord Bot
Here are the Commands for Ayana Bot:
- =reminder add message - add
- =reminder remove text - remove
- =reminder list page - list
- =prune amount attachments bots embeds filter invites pinned reactions silent system until user - Message Pruning
- =r response - Reply to a pending prompt
- =bigtext text spacesize addspace - Generates text with regional indicators
- =bigtextd text spacesize addspace - Same as bigtext, but I also remove your command
- =f message stats - F to pay respects
- =flipcoin - Flip a coin
- =fortune category - Fortune cookie messages
- =lenny - Display a image of lenny
- =lennyd - Same as lenny, but I also remove your command
- =shrug - Display image of shrug
- =shrugd - Same as shrug, but I also remove your command
- =spongebob text - Spongebob mocking meme; also memes the text you give
- =urban word - Looks up a word on urbandictionary.com
- =awoo target - Momiji/Wan images that 'awoo'
- =bad target - Images of characters that did something bad
- =blush target - Images of blushing characters
- =cuddle target - Cuddle images; you can also mention someone to cuddle them
- =dance target - Images of dancing characters
- =hug target - Hugging images; you can also mention someone to hug them
- =insult target - Random insult images; you can also mention someone to insult them
- =jojo target - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure memes
- =kiss target - Kissing images; you can also mention someone to kiss them
- =lewd target - That's lewd!
- =lick target - Licking images; you can also mention someone to lick them
- =nom target - Random nomming/eating images
- =neko target - Random cat images from random.cat
- =owo target - 'OwO, what's this?' memes
- =pat target - Headpatting images; you can also mention a user to pat them
- =poke target - Poke images; you can also mention a user to poke them
- =pout target - Images of pouting characters
- =slap target - Slap images; you can also mention a user to slap them
- =sleepy target - Images of sleeping characters
- =smug target - Images of smug characters
- =stare target - Images of characters that are staring; you can also mention a user to stare at them
- =thumbsup target - Thumbs up images
- =triggered target - Triggered memes; you can also mention a user to show them you are triggered at them
- =wasted target - Wasted memes
- =confused target - Confused anime girl images
- =idk target - Shrug images for when you have no idea
- =nyan target - Images of cat girls
- =waa target - Images of crying characters for when you are sad
- =weebsh type target - Random anime images of various types
- =avatar user static - Display avatar of a user
- =info - Display info about Ayana
- =invite instance - Display invite related info
- =support - Display invite link for support channel
- =language server locale - Manage server language
- =language user locale - Manage your language
- =language view - View current language settings
- =aliases add alias value - Add alias
- =aliases remove alias - Remove alias
- =aliases rename alias newalias - Rename an existing alias
- =aliases update alias newvalue - Update command for an alias
- =aliases userargs alias value - Set flag true or false in order to include user arguments as part of command
- =aliases list - List all aliases
- =aliases show alias - Show value of a specific alias
- =aliases execute alias args - Execute an alias
- =role give roles bots users user inrole notinrole noroles - Gives roles
- =role take roles bots users user inrole notinrole - Takes roles
- =role modify role name color moveafter - Modifies a role
- =role cancel - Cancel role operation
- =rank group role - Assign ranks from SAR
- =sar create group - Creates a SAR group
- =sar delete group - Deletes a SAR group
- =sar rename group newname - Renames a SAR group
- =sar groups - List all SAR groups
- =sar active group active - Activates or deactivates this group for assigning roles from this group.
- =sar reqrole group role - Sets the role that a user needs to have to use this group
- =sar max group max - Sets the max amount of roles a user can have from this group. Set 0 for unlimited.
- =sar roles group action roles - Adds and removes roles to this group
- =sar default group default - Sets or unsets this group as the default one
- =perms grant memberchannel member channel permission - Permissions for user in a specific channel
- =perms grant rolechannel role channel permission - Permissions for a role in a specific channel
- =perms grant member member permission - Permissions for a server member
- =perms grant role role permission - Permissions for a role
- =perms grant channel channel permission - Permissions for a channel
- =perms grant server permission - Server wide permissions
- =perms revoke memberchannel member channel permission - Permissions for user in a specific channel
- =perms revoke rolechannel role channel permission - Permissions for a role in a specific channel
- =perms revoke member member permission - Permissions for a server member
- =perms revoke role role permission - Permissions for a role
- =perms revoke channel channel permission - Permissions for a channel
- =perms revoke server permission - Server wide permissions
- =perms reset memberchannel member channel permission - Permissions for user in a specific channel
- =perms reset rolechannel role channel permission - Permissions for a role in a specific channel
- =perms reset member member permission - Permissions for a server member
- =perms reset role role permission - Permissions for a role
- =perms reset channel channel permission - Permissions for a channel
- =perms reset server permission - Server wide permissions
- =perms list permission - Display a list of all available permissions
- =perms view memberchannel member channel - Permissions for user in a specific channel
- =perms view rolechannel role channel - Permissions for a role in a specific channel
- =perms view member member - Permissions for a server member
- =perms view role role - Permissions for a role
- =perms view channel channel - Permissions for a channel
- =perms view server - Server wide permissions
- =perms resetall - Reset all permissions
- =botlist page - Get botlist from carbon
- =channelinfo channel - Display info about a channel
- =pick options - Pick an option from multiple options
- =random lowerlimit upperlimit - Display a random no with support of upper and lower limit
- =roleinfo role - Display info about a role
- =rolemembers role page - List the members of a role
- =serverinfo - Display info about a server
- =userinfo user - Display info about a user
- =wq balance raw - View Balance
- =wq buy name amount - Buy Generators
- =wq sell name amount - Sell Generators
- =wq level name amount - Upgrade generators with Prestige
- =wq craft - Craft Waifus
- =wq waifus name rarity - View/Upgrade Waifus
- =wq jobs name rarity - Job Management
- =wq prestige - Forefit everything, gain parts
- =wq daily - Daily Rewards
- =wq help - Learn about WaifuQuest
- =help input - Learn about commands and features Ayana supports
- =advanced alias options - Run non-slash exposed commands
- =ping - Check if the bot is online
- =actionlog active active - Enable/Disable
- =actionlog channel channel - Channel to log actions in.
- =actionlog events event enabled - Enable/Disable log for specific event
- =actionlog myconfig - Show actionlog config
- =afk message - Let people know you are AFK when they mention you
- =pro upgrade - Upgrades this server to Ayana PRO
- =pro downgrade guild - Downgrades this server or the one specified with the ID from Ayana PRO
- =pro status user - Shows your running Ayana PRO subscriptions and upgrade count
- =pro check - Shows if this server has Ayana PRO or not and who upgraded it
- =pro redeem key - Redeems an Ayana PRO key
- =clean amount - I will delete my messages from the last 100 messages
- =say text sneak - Have me say something
- =sayd text sneak - Same as say, but I also remove your command
- =modlog action type user reason - ModLog settings interface
- =usersettings list - Display list of available settings
- =usersettings get setting - Show value of a setting
- =usersettings set setting value - Set value of a setting
- =usersettings reset setting - Reset a setting to default
- =settings list - Display list of available settings
- =settings get setting - Show value of a setting
- =settings set setting value - Set value of a setting
- =settings reset setting - Reset a setting to default
- =music join voice - Join a voice channel
- =music leave - Leave channels
- =music nowplaying - Show the current track
- =music queue query next position - Add tracks to the queue
- =music remove query - Remove tracks from the queue
- =music removerange start end - Remove tracks between two positions
- =music purge - Remove all songs from the queue
- =music shuffle - Shuffle the queue
- =music play query next voice - Play the queue
- =music stop - Stop playing
- =music pause - Toggle pause
- =music skip - Skip to next track
- =music back - Backskip to previous track
- =music jump query - Skip to a specific song
- =music seek position - Go to position in playing track
- =music fastforward amount - Fast forward playing track
- =music rewind amount - Rewind playing track
- =music volume percent - Adjust playback volume
- =music repeat mode - Manage repeating mode
- =music reset - Reset music player, use this if strange things happen
- =ban user reason soft - Ban users
- =kick user reason - Kick users