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Upvote Ayuzawa

Ayuzawa is new to Discord. Give her a warm welcome!

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Ayuzawa is new to Discord. Give her a warm welcome by using her commands that she has so far such as:
;votekick starts a vote to kick a user.
;userinfo shows info about a user.
;serverinfo shows info about the current server.
;kick @user kicks a user that you mention.
;ban @user bans a user that you mention.
;invmake makes an invite for this server.
;invite sends you the invite for the bot.
;servers shows what servers the bot is in.
;report @user <reason> sends a report for a user.
;tempmute @user <time in minutes> mutes a user.
;hug @user hugs a user.
;kiss @user kisses a user.
;cuddle @user cuddles a user.
;slap @user slaps a user.
;punch @user punches a user.
;hastebin <text> Makes a hastebin link with your text/code.
;remindme <s/m/h/d> <reminder> reminds you.
;quiz quizes you.
;weather <location> tells you the weather.
;ascii <text> makes an ascii.
More commands comming soon.

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