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Bakery Beats is an all-in-one, High Quality Discord Music Bot

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🧁 Bakery Beats 🧁
An all-in-one Discord Music Bot

Bakery Beats is a free all-in-one Discord Music Bot, with a plethora
of features that are being added every single day!

Our goal is to ensure that everyone is 100% satisfied with Bakery Beats,
and that is why we greatly appreciate your feedback.

So what do I do to get started?

Bakery Beats’ default prefix is bb!, but further down the line, we
will soon be adding customizable prefixes! You can run bb!help to take
a look at its commands and get started using the bot!

Wanna know some 🇨 🇷 🇦 🇿 🇾 stuff?

Bakery Beats utilizes Frederikam’s Lavalink System to deliver Extremely
High-Quality Audio. The Lavalink System is currently being hosted on a
Dedicated Server to be sure Bakery Beats has a 24/7 Connection to
Lavalink. Since Lavalink is being put in place, we can guarantee that
Bakery Beats will always find the most high-quality song based on your
search query.

Some other things:

Bakery Beats’ command layout is super simple and is always guaranteed
to get you your choice of song in a matter of milliseconds.
Bakery Beats also has a built-in DJ component. This can be activated to prevent
trolls from skipping songs or even Disconnecting the Bot entirely from
the Voice Channel.
Have a Playlist on YouTube or Spotify? Simply run
the play command with that playlist link. Then, Bakery Beats will
automatically filter every single song from that playlist, and add all
the songs to the Player’s Queue, automatically.
Whenever a New Song
starts playing, when the Queue Ends, or when the Bot gets Disconnected
(either by command or by right-click disconnecting), Bakery Beats will
automatically send a message informing users about this change
automatically. (This feature can be disabled at any time)


Bakery Beats’ Development Team is hard at work creating the bot. We want
to always keep improving, so if you have any valuable feedback, just run
bb!feedback [feedback] and let us know what we can do to make Bakery
Beats better.

View more information about Bakery Beats and what it has to offer at

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.