Logo for BAUL

Upvote BAUL

Music | 24/7 | Filter | Radio | advanced music with 200+ Radio Stations & 21+ filters, like 8D Audio, Play songs from YouTube & Sound Clould, Spotify, Music bot with free filters

Back to BAUL

PREFIX: + change with: +prefix <NEW PREFIX>

To start with BAUL Music type +setup it will create separate channel for music.

Custom Queue

usage: savedqueue <Type> <Name> [Options]
Types: create, addcurrenttrack, addcurrentqueue, removetrack, removedupes, showall, showdetails, createsave, delete, play, shuffle
Name: Can be anything with maximum of 10 Letters
Options: pick the track which you want to remove

Music Commands

addprevious, addsimilar, autoplay, clearqueue, forceskip, forward, grab, join, jump, loop, loopqueue, loopsong, lyrics, move, moveme, nowplaying, pause, play, playlist, playprevious, playsc, playskip, playskipsc, playsongoftheday, queue, queuestatus, radio, removedupes, removetrack, removevoteskip, restart, resume, rewind, search, searchplaylist, searchradio, searchsc, searchsimilar, seek, shuffle, skip, stop, unshuffle, volume, voteskip

Filter Commands

equalizer, clearfilter, cleareq, bassboost

Premium Commands

afk, 24/7, premiumlist, requestpremium

Radio Stations

There are over 180 Stations available, you can see by type +radio, and play them by +radio <station number>

Info Commands

botinfo, djmode, help, invite, ping, reactions, serverinfo, songoftheday, stats, uptime, userinfo

Setup Commands

addbotchat, adddj, prefix, removebotchat, removedj, reset, settings, setup, toggledjonly, toggleplaymessage, togglepruning, togglerequestonly

Admin Commands

ban, clear, detailwarn, embed, kick, mute, react, removeallwarns, say, slowmode, unmute, unwarn, warn, warnings

Supported sources

Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud, More, …

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.