With Blabla Bot, Made in France, you can send messages with or without Embed in any channel of your server.
The prefix is always b!
Some commands :
b!help - Get all commands of the bot
b!msg {channel} {message} - Send directly a message in the channel
b!embed - Setup to send a message in custom Embed
b!ping - Ping the bot, it is always there ?
b!addrole {role} - Add a role that can use the bot (Only for users with Admin permission)
b!removerole {role} - Remove role that can use the bot (Only for users with Admin permission)
b!roles - List roles that can use the bot (Only for users with Admin permission)
You need to define roles to use the bot fully.
If you have any question, problem or suggestion, don’t hesitate to contact LoveYou#1998 !