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Upvote Bloxy Tools

For ROBLOX communities. With this bot, you can find user profiles, games, groups, and more! | Verified Discord Bot!

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Bloxy Tools Information
If a “/” is placed within the command on this page that means it’s an alias

The bot doesn’t need any permissions really as of now, the only permission it might need is for the !say command and !clear command which requires manage_messages permission

The bot has 1 universal prefix and one changeable prefix, the universal prefix is “bt!” and the changeable is “!”, you can also ping the bot instead of using prefixes like @Bloxy Tools Help. This will give you help.

Roblox Commands:
!user / !u (username) If you want to use the id of a user then put !user ‘ID’ With the quotes: Example !u ‘114678641’
!place (name or id) - Currently not finished
!randomuser / !ru - Gives you info about a random user.
!howold / !age (username or id) - You can see this with the !user command too
!tools - This is just a collection of all the commands, answer with one of the arguments!

!game - This command can search for games!

Misc Commands:
!changeprefix (prefix)
!say (message)
The bot is used to display profiles,
If you need support or help please contact byggmesterPRO#8206 (DM’s open) or join the support server.

The bot made by byggmesterPRO#8206

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.