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Upvote Bright Star

A bot with multiple features such as: economy commands, fun commands, moderation commands, leveling, and more

Back to Bright Star

This is a multi-purpose discord bot. It can do moderation, fun commands, and more!

+help - NEW LOOK!
+musicbot - get a link to add the Bright Star music bot to your server
+balance | +balance @user
+deposit [amount | all]
+withdraw [amount | all]
+slots [amount]
+corona [country]
+imdb [show name]
+weather [location]
+avatar | +avatar @user
+stonks @user
+smartcat @user
+wasted @user
+userinfo [@user | userID]
+ban [@user | UserID] [reason]
+purge [amount]
+kick [@user | UserID] [reason]
+lock [#channel]
+mute [@user | userID] [reason]
+unmute [@user | userID]
+warn [@user | userID] [reason]
+math [equation]

Bright Star is currently going through a full revamp and the commands above are the currently implemented features in the revamp! I will be adding onto this as I get more features added!

The Music System has been put on a new bot named Bright Star 2. The Page Link to the music bot will be added here very soon! I will also add a tempmute and tempban command asap!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.