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BugScratch features a whole range of different ability's, from moderation to music, to 8ball!.

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To view our commands yoou can either visit our website https://bugscratchbot.xyz or do !commands in your desired channel :)
BugScratch has a unique logging system that can log voice logs, message delete, blacklisted words,
commands used, bans, kicks, mutes, warns etc. you can configure these by doing !help logs
BugScratch was created with djs 11. I hope to bring more commands that the community suggest in future.
Currently with our tracking commands, valorant is coming soon!! you can search r6 stats, fortnite, csgo, apex legends (this is beta and not deployed yet)
Our bot features 0 NSFW content.
With the tweet command you can do !tweet james bond | your tweet message, and it’ll tweet it!
You can chnage the prefix for your server, defualt it is ! but you can change it with !prefix {prefix}

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.