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Upvote Bulkan

A discord bot with Moderation, Leveling, Questions (NEW), Memes, And a way to configure all of these good features!

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The Vulkan Network
Presents: Bulkan

Bulkan has neat features like Moderation, Leveling, Question asking (similar to quora), and a meme command!

To configure anything just run bconfig and then react the module you want to configure and then enable / disable it.
Deleting the message or just… not responding WILL cancel it.

The question asking module is a feature we don’t see in many bots so I’m going to explain it.
Basically, you can ask a question and then our loving Bulkan Community will answer your question.
Very simple, right? Yes, it is simple.

Bulkan used to be a premium bot and since it’s all free and we don’t want to ruin your experience with us.
We have set up a donation site using donatebot
**NOTHING **should force you to donate, if you do so, thank you!

Also thank you for choosing Bulkan. We hope you use our bot.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.