Café Discord Bot Logo

Café Discord Bot


Invite Café Bot to your server and enjoy its fun commands, moderation tools, and more! Get started with Café Discord Bot now.

0 upvotes in May

Café Discord Bot Described:

A multi-purpose discord bot, it can be for fun, moderation, and more!

☕ Café
The Café Bot has several different purposes. The bot is divided into 4 categories for now, there will be more in the future!


With this bot, you can generate random memes, dog pictures, cat pictures, and a bunch of more animals. The bot also contains several moderation features to keep your server safe! We also have a currency system in development, if you want to stay updated on that, make sure to join our support server!


Moderation Commands

‧ kick | Kicks a user from the server

‧ ban | Bans a user from the server

‧ mute | Prevents a user from talking in the server

‧ unmute | Re-allows a user to talk in the server

‧ userinfo | Displays info about a user

‧ purge | Bulk deletes a certain amount of messages

Useful Commands

‧ avatar | Displays a user’s avatar

‧ embed | Sends an embed with a custom message

‧ say | Makes the bot say a custom message

‧ suggest | Sends a suggestion message if a suggestion channel exists

‧ server | Displays info about the current server

‧ uptime | Shows how long the bot has been online for

‧ invite | Sends the invite link to the bot

‧ discord | Sends an invite to the support server

Fun Commands

‧ meme | Sends a random funny meme

‧ hug | Sends a random hugging gif

‧ pat | Sends a random patting gif

Animal Commands

‧ dog | Sends a random dog image

‧ cat | Sends a random cat image

‧ panda | Sends a random panda image

‧ koala | Sends a random koala image

Make sure to check out our website! -

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Café Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Café to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Café Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: +
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: kappug#0001
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