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Upvote Caneria

MINIGAMES, server market, voice/text levels, free XP give/remove commands, giveaways, temproles, no premium commands!

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View Commands: https://caneria.net/commands
Go Dashboard: https://caneria.net/dashboard
Invite now: https://caneria.net/invite

Least Latency
The bot meets your requests instantly with the lowest latency values!

99% Uptime
The bot is always online! There is almost no interruption.

The bot, supports many languages! Now you can easily understand everything.

Anti-attack Protection
The bot, protects your server from malicious users with its filter system!

Some Fun
The bot, lets you have a great time with its supernatural game and fun commands!

And Many More Systems
The bot contains many systems that cannot be counted! Add it to your server now and browse.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.