- Hi ! I’m cossack, Cardinal’s creator. First of all, thank you for adding it to your server. This message is here to inform you that you can contact me if you have any question/trouble with the bot. And if not, have a very good time in Cardinal’s Company. Contact : Discord → Cossack#7149 (you also can come on the support server
- Cardinal is a bot developped under Visual Studio Code, it’s main functions are moderation and utility (but you can also have some fun with some commands).
- If the bot is Offline, it means it is under maintenance.
- The $CLEAR command will only clear messages up to 14 days.
- Bot update with the addition of the event commands which will show the poll and announce commands.
- The $help command is obviously to show you what the bot is able to do, organized in sections.
- $fun = fun commands | $admin = admin commands | $event = event commands (DUH !)
- The $ban and $kick commands do exactly what their names say. [$kick|$ban Nickname]
- The $warn command allows you to warn people on your server with a reason. [$warn Nickname reason]
- The $stats command shows you some information about the player. [$stats Nickname]
- The $clear command (mentionned above) clears messages from the channel. [$clear AmountOfMessages]
- $uptime shows for how long Cardinal has been running.
- The $emojis prints out a classification of the server emojis.
- And there’s also the $serverinfo command.