Logo for CheerBot

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An easy to use encouraging discord bot with moderation, social, encouraging messages and quotes and much more!

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An easy to use encouraging discord bot with moderation, social, encouraging messages and quotes and much more!

Why Add CheerBot
CheerBot has many positives and has many different features!

Always Updating
CheerBot is always updating and we are always ready to listen to feed back and suggestions in our support server

No Pay Walls
CheerBot has no pay walls, although you can support us by donating

Verified Bot
CheerBot is a verified discord bot to give you certainty that CheerBot is quality and safe!

Trusted by 500+ servers
CheerBot is trusted by 500+ servers! And is always growing and updating!

Active Support Server
CheerBot has a active support server we are always read to solve your problems or take your suggestions!

Our Instagram
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FAQs Server

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.