Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Please join the Support Server as Chiaki Nanami is still developing. The developer of this bot corrects errors and add new features from time to time. Because of this, there may be constant reboots and lag. The Discord Server contains all notes of recent updates.
InformationExtra note: If you would like to recommend a new feature, please join the Support Server.
Command | Description |
---|---| |
displays the list of commands |
..invite |
sends a link to invite Chiaki Nanami | |
sends an invite link to the Support Server |
..serverinfo |
displays info of the server you are in + find the real owner! |
Command | Description |
..cry |
sends a sad GIF to express your feeling |
hey chiaki, |
ask a yes-or-no question | |
sends a happy GIF to express your feeling |
..object |
sends a random quick contradiction video |
Command | Description |
..autorole |
automatically adds a role to new members |
..ban |
bans a @user from the server |
..clear |
deletes the amount of most recent messages |
..kick |
kicks a @user out of the server |
..setwelcome |
automatically welcomes new members |
Command | Description |
..pfp |
sends an image of your current avatar |
..poll |
quickly creates a poll |