Meet Chilly, a advanced Multipurpose bot that offers High-End Moderation, Advanced Logging, Seamless and easy to use verification system & many more features for its users to enjoy. Chilly was designed to be reliable, free, and easy to use /setup. Our goal is to ensure our users are 100% satisfied with Chilly, we are open to any suggestions or feedback!
Chilly is pretty easy to set up as almost half of the commands set up automatically! To get the prefix of the bot please run @Chilly
. To get started run the command & !help
to see the list of commands Chilly has in store for you. And if you would like to change the prefix of the bot, just simply run the command !setprefix [prefix]
99.9% Uptime 24/7/365.
Active Development, More features added frequently.
Server, Channel, Role, and User info.
Music System.
Server Point System.
Image Generation.
Verification System.
Advanced Logging System.
Powerful Moderation System.
Administration Commands.
• Ease Of Use
- Chilly is advanced yet simple at the same time, Chilly won’t ever overwhelm you while you are trying to deal with pesky rule-breakers or when you’re just trying to have fun with our fun/game commands!
• Advanced Logging
- Chilly comes included with an advanced logger that logs almost everything that is going on in your server! Chilly can log message edits and deletions, member joins and leaves, updates and deletions etc.
• Advanced Information
- Want some more information on the Bot, User, or Server. Chilly comes ready with loads of information from you to choose from, whether it be, user info, bot info, server count, channel info and many many more. Again these are just the main features Chilly provides to you, but we have a lot more to show soon, so don’t miss out!
• Full Configuration
- Chilly is full configuration system that lets you take full control whether you want to set your own custom welcome message, or log specific actions, and change the prefix of the bot!
• Entertainment
- Chilly has over 30 enterainment commands and we are just getting started! We hope that these commands will keep you and your server happy and always having a good time! Whether it be from 8Ball to Coinflip or even Rock Paper Scissors, we’ve got you covered!
- AutoMod System.
- Custom Commands.
- Web Dashboard.