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ClashPanda is a discord bot which put the Clash Of Clans named mobile game data in a nice and clean format.

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Powerful Clash of Clans Discord bot that will help you lot.

ClashPanda provides a lot of clash commands as well as user based commands. The bot can link upto 3 clan and village profiles using !lclan_1, !lplayer_2 per user.

Linking Command:
!lclan #clan_tag - To link clan tag with discord profile.
!player #player_tag - To link player tag with discord profile.
!profile - To get the details of linked data of your profile.
!unlclan- To unlink the clans from the profile.
!unlplayer- To unlink the villages from the profile.
Note: To link second use !lclan_2/!lplayer_2 #clan_tag.

Clash Commands:
!clan - Get the clan details.
!members - Get the list of members in clan.
!player - Get the player details.
!punits - Get the player units details.
!compo - Get the townhall composition of clan.
!wcompo - Get the war composition of clan. (Determine the rushed players.)
!war - Get the current war details of the clan.
!warlog - Get the war log information of the clan.
!badge - Get the clan badge image.
!lead_clan - Get the ranking board info (Provide your country code after command to know or by default it will display of global)
!fcheck #clan_tag - Checker that help to know if the clan below to any farm league like 1945 , FWA and others.

Other Commands:
!meme - Clash related meme from reddit.
!info - Details about Bot.
!ping - Bot latercy checker.
!stats - Bot stats.
!server- Server Details
!invite - Invite link of bot.
!userinfo - Information of Discord User.
!avatar - User avatar.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.