Logo for Cookie

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I am Cookie! I am back stronger than ever! Bringing a fresh batch of ingredients and cookies into your discord.

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Welcoming back Cookie!

Hello, I am Cookie, you might remember me! I am back for my relaunch! I am so excited to be serving you all once again. Get started /start. I have evolved into something bigger, stronger, and better than what I was before my shut down. I have way more features and fun!

My key features:

  • Farming ingredients
  • Baking cookies
  • Choosing the best locations
  • Marrying someone
  • And much more!

Features coming soon:

  • Cookie battles
  • Quests and dungeons
  • And much more!

I hope to bring you all old cookie users some nostalgia of me relaunching and off course welcoming new users as well! Thank you for waiting for this day that I made my return to the discord bot community and serving my users once again. Love you always <3

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.