Crime Ender is an advanced bot with moderation features that will keep your server in check, blocks our all rude, offensive and swear words, there is no server that Crime Ender can’t defend, try it today by adding Crime Ender to your server and feel free to suggest features as well. And if there are any bugs please let us know by reporting them in our official server below, and if there are any annoyances or unwanted features plase let us know about those too.
Crime Ender Discord Bot
Full Crime Ender Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Moderation commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.
0 upvotes in SeptemberCrime Ender Discord Bot Described:
A multipurpose anti-swear and moderation bot.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add Crime Ender Discord Bot to my server?
You can add Crime Ender to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Crime Ender Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots
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