help - Displays all the commands available!
invite - Sends you an invite to the bot and support server!
ping - Gets the bots current ping!
Moderationban - Bans the mentioned user!
kick - Kicks the mentioned user!
mute - Mutes the mentioned user. If no Muted role, it will create one!
purge - Clear a certain amount of messages!
say - Make the bot talk!
unban - Unban the mentioned user!
unmute - removes the muted role from the mentioned user!
Funeightball - Ask the magic 8ball a question!
flipcoin - Heads or tails?
fliptext - ¡ʇxǝ⊥ ǝɯos dᴉlℲ
randomjoke - Gives you a random joke!
randomnumber <highest-number> - Generates a number from 1 to the highest number you put!
Utilityavatar - View yours, or the mentioned users avatar!
suggest - Make a suggestion! | Channel named suggestions
is needed.
verify - Gives the member a role called Verified. A role named Verified
must exist!
rlookup <roblox-user> - Lookup a roblox user!
AutoText Deleting Moduletoggle autotext <yes/no> - Enable the auto text deleting system!
autotextchannel <#channel> - Set the channel that auto message deleting will take place in.
AutoMod Moduletoggle automod automod-feature <yes/no> - Enable or disable the automod module!
automodfeatures - View all automod feature names!
Administration?setprefix <new-prefix>
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