Cyclone Test Discord Bot Logo

Cyclone Test Discord Bot

Full Cyclone Test Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Moderation commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Cyclone Test Discord Bot Described:

Cyclone Bot will hit your server with tons of commands! From moderation, utilities, and even fun commands is all included!

Discord Bots

General Commands

help - Displays all the commands available!

invite - Sends you an invite to the bot and support server!

ping - Gets the bots current ping!


ban - Bans the mentioned user!

kick - Kicks the mentioned user!

mute - Mutes the mentioned user. If no Muted role, it will create one!

purge - Clear a certain amount of messages!

say - Make the bot talk!

unban - Unban the mentioned user!

unmute - removes the muted role from the mentioned user!


eightball - Ask the magic 8ball a question!

flipcoin - Heads or tails?

fliptext - ¡ʇxǝ⊥ ǝɯos dᴉlℲ

randomjoke - Gives you a random joke!

randomnumber <highest-number> - Generates a number from 1 to the highest number you put!


avatar - View yours, or the mentioned users avatar!

suggest - Make a suggestion! | Channel named suggestions is needed.

verify - Gives the member a role called Verified. A role named Verified must exist!

rlookup <roblox-user> - Lookup a roblox user!

AutoText Deleting Module

toggle autotext <yes/no> - Enable the auto text deleting system!

autotextchannel <#channel> - Set the channel that auto message deleting will take place in.

AutoMod Module

toggle automod automod-feature <yes/no> - Enable or disable the automod module!

automodfeatures - View all automod feature names!


?setprefix <new-prefix>

<hr />



Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Cyclone Test Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Cyclone Test to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Cyclone Test Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ? (Can be Changed)
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Donzee Boi#1000