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Cyrus music is A Free bot Which Allows User To Listen to high quality songs without any interruption.

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Cyrus is a Music discord bot.This Bot allows you to play High quality songs from youtube It is Very Friendly Music bot It Is totally Free of cost it does not require any Premium membership. It Get deafen when joining Vc In order to protect your privacy.


+24/7 - It will stay in the vc for 24/7.
+play - Cyrus the music You desire
+pause - It pauses the music
+resume - It resumes the music
+nowplaying(np) - Shows current playing song and its lenth
+lyrics - It search for lyrics of currently played songs
+loop - it plays the queue over and over unless stopped
+queue(q) - It shows songs in queue
+remove - it remove the song from the queue
+shuffle - It shuffles the queue
+search - It search for information about the song
+skip - it skips the songs in the queue
+skipto - it plays the song in queue you want
+volume - it increase or lowers the music
+stop - it stops the bot and leaves Vc

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.