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Discord-All-In-One (DAIO) has features relating to Moderation, Memes, Animals, Crypto, NSFW and of course Fun! New commands added EVERY WEEK! **Prefix is changeable!**

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List of commands

General Commands:
help <type of commands> - Sends a list of working commands
ping - Sends the bots current ping in millisecond
changeprefix <new prefix> - Changes the bots prefix for the current server

Fun/Meme Commands:
meme - Sends a random meme

Moderation Commands:
deleted - Shows the last message that was deleted and who it was sent by
clear <amount> - Deletes the most recent messages in the channel
kick <member> - Kicks the mentioned member out of the server
ban <member> - Bans the mentioned member out of the server
unban <username>#<discriminator> - Unbans the user provided

Animal Commands:
dog - Sends a random image of a dog
cat - Sends a random image of a cat
fox - Sends a random image of a fox
duck - Sends a random image of a duck

Crypto Commands:
btc <currency to convert to> - Sends the current price of Bitcoin (BTC)
eth <currency to convert to> - Sends the current price of Ethereum (ETH)
doge <currency to convert to> - Sends the current price of Dogecoin (DOGE)

Other Commands:
discordstatus - Checks if any part of Discord is down
pfp <@user> - Displays the mentioned user’s profile picture/GIF

˅˅˅ These only work in NSFW channels so don’t worry if you have a SFW only server! ˅˅˅

NSFW Commands:
porn - Sends a random porn gif
pussy - Sends a random image of some pussy
ass - Sends a random image of some ass
boobs - Sends a random image of some boobs

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.