My bot has an adjustable ban command, adjustable silent command, fun and user command, almost all control commands are available, and the bot is constantly updated, new commands are coming, and bot users can come and suggest the commands they want. Using the report request command, our bot is open to innovations. For example, we have swearing block, ad block, ad scan commands. It will be on our site soon and there are radio commands that most bots do not have. There are 52 radios in the radio command. They can notify us the ones on our bot with the report error command. In our bot, there are deleted messages in the log when the new channel is opened, when the emoji is added when the emoji is added, when someone enters and exits the sound and the bot prefix with the d! Prefix command. There is an auto role command on our boat. One of its most important features is in the draw command on our bot. Another feature of our boat is that it has everyone and here obstacle feature and one of the most beautiful features is the duel command.
DarkBot Discord Bot
Invite DarkBot to your server for moderation, user commands and new updates. Enjoy the fun with DarkBot Discord Bot.
0 upvotes in SeptemberDarkBot Discord Bot Described:
My bot has moderation fun and user commands and our bot is constantly updated and new commands are coming.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add DarkBot Discord Bot to my server?
You can add DarkBot to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add DarkBot Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots
Meet the largest in-app indie game on Discord. A currency and fishing game for catching creatures, collecting items, robbing your friends, taking care of pets, building skills, and more!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: ★ Hellboy is Marvellous ¹⁹⁹⁶#2506