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db8bot is a multipurpose high school/college debate bot that provides helpful functions for debate such as research tools & debate tracking.

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DB8Bot or db8bot is a high school/college debate discord bot made using discord.js.

Adding DB8Bot To Your Discord Server

You can also just add db8bot to your existing server. DB8Bot has been already hosted for you in this option.

  • Prerequisites:

    • You need to have the “Manage Server” permission of the server OR Be the owner of the server.
    • A link is provided here with all of the required permissions pre-selected.
  • Basic Operations Guide

    • The prefix of db8bot is -.
    • For general help, the support server & additional notes type -help.
    • For the full commands list, type -commands.
    • Each command is called using the prefix, in the following form: -<command> where <command> is the command. For example, to call the command ping, you would type -ping.
    • Feel free to join this support server if additional help is needed!
db8bot Features

This is not a command list. Some of the descriptions after the dash are not actually how you use that command. Use -commands in a server with db8bot to find db8bot’s full command list.

  • Moderation:
    • Admin/Mod Commands - mute
    • Chat Management - purge & lockdown
  • Utility Commands - server info, user info, bot info
  • General Chat Commands - generate embed messages, quickly generate a server invite link, say, DM person in server as bot.
  • Debate Comands - get research paper from sci-hub, start then track a debate round, track current speech, end the tracked debate round, coin flip, get judge’s paradigm from Tabroom
  • Fun Commands :) - trump quotes, communism, capitalism, bataille & baudrillard themed quotes
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.