Logo for Deepy

Upvote Deepy

This is a discord bot that can show memes, get jokes, ban users, kick users, and More...

Back to Deepy
    Bot Name: Deepy#2344

    Creator: JZalaOz#2200

    Prefix: d!

        8ball: get a random yes or no answer
        ban: ban someone from the discord server
        clear: clear a channel
        coinflip: flip a coin
        emote: get a emote
        help: get a list of all the commands
        howgay: do the gay test on someone
        invite: invite me to your server
        joke: get a random joke
        kick: kick someone from the discord server
        kill: kill someone
        meme: get a random meme
        rps: play rock, paper, scissors with me
        say: make me say anything
        serverinfo: get info about a server
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