Discord Badges
What does this bot do?
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
What does this bot do?
- Discord Badges creates images with Discord badges on your profile, and sends you the picture of it.
- This bot will be updated when new badges will be added, and hopefully more coming soon…*
- b!help - Let you see the commands this bot has
- b!createbadges (cb or badge) <mention/userid> <badges, seperated by spaces> [–white] - Gives you the profile badges you specified!
- Discord Staff
- Discord Partner
- Discord HypeSquad (Events & Event Organisers)
- Discord HypeSquad Brilliance
- Discord HypeSquad Balance
- Discord HypeSquad Bravery
- Discord Earlier Supporter
- Discord Nitro
- Discord BugHunter
This bot is not affiliated with discordapp in any way