Logo for Snake Bot

Upvote Snake Bot

Play snake inside of your discord server! Majority of vote wins for direction.

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Ever wanted to play snake in discord although there’s better site for you to do it out there? Well now you can! Thanks to this bot, an embed will be sent in the designated channel, and you’ll be able to react and vote on the preferred direction. This is voting based! Meaning, the direction with the most reactions will be picked.


Prefix is GM!

  • startGame [optional cooldown in seconds]
    Will start a new game inside of the designated channel. The cooldown is how much time between updates. (Cooldown will start after first reaction.) Defaults to 10 seconds. Maximum of 1 game per channel.
  • stopGame
    This will stop a game. All data will be removed, including your best score. Use at own risk. (Only person who started the game can use this command.)
  • cooldown
    Change the cooldown between updates.
  • sendNew
    Will send a new screen in case the old embed breaks and no longer registers reactions. This will usually happen due to perm problems.
  • help Gives you a list similar to this one.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.