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A Discord Bot that allows user to do cross-server Threads with Replies, Upvotes, Downvotes and Trending system !

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Disclaimer : Sorry for the english fault, I’m french ^^ DiscordThread is a new UNOFFICIAL bot that allows the Discord Users to post Threads (like what you can see on Reddit for example)

You can post Thread, reply to the threads that you like, you can upvote, you can downvote, you can reply to the replies, you can reply to the replies of the replies … When you post a Thread, he is cross-server, meaning that if you post one on a X server, you’ll be able to find it and answer it in a Y server. By the way, if your server is attack or in a situation of discrimination, you can (obviously) use the report command to report the user and the thread BUT you can also use the private mode. Once your server is in private mode, the member that call a command from the bot on your server will only be able to see the post that was made on YOUR server.

Thanks to this bot, you’ll be able to have some cross-server discussions, you’ll be able to get help at the speed of the light. When you post a Thread, you can add some TAGS to it, when a user will search for content, he will use tags. So for example if you want help in your C program, you can use the tags c;help;programming;dev and when a user will search for one of these tags, he’ll find your request ^^.

The bot only asked for some permissions so don’t worry, he’ll not turn in a massive bans bot.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.