[$] IntelliBot.ai Discord Bot Logo

[$] IntelliBot.ai Discord Bot


Full [$] IntelliBot.ai Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Meme commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in April

[$] IntelliBot.ai Discord Bot Described:

Auto-Moderation Powered by Google | Fun | Reddit| Memes | Minecraft and more !

IntelliBot is a great bot adapted for all type of server, his fonctionnement may be not good as intended, but it’s in BETA, if you encounter any problems, please share them with me !

IntelliBot main functionallity is to auto-moderate server from toxic and harmful messages, by using the Google AI Machine Learning Tool. The bot evalute the rate of toxicity, profanity and sexual_explicit value of all messages sent

If its between 75 and 95 %, the bot will just warn the user and delete the message, if it’s above 95 %, the user is kicked, DM by the Bot and obviously the message will be deleted.

To test for yourself, make the command : $analyze + message This will return the toxicity, profanity and sexual explicit amount of the current message.
The bot is also equipped with a anto caps lock system : if the uppercase letter in a message > 5, it will be deleted.

All commands


  • $ai + msg => Talk with an ai chatbot live !
  • $meme => Get a random meme from r/memes, r/dankmemes or r/me_irl !
  • $redditpost + subreddit => Get a random post from the given subreddit
    Note : All NSFW content is not sent and automaticly deleted
  • $fbi => In a critical moment, you must send fbi ;)
  • $hey => Say hey to people !
  • $wtf => When you have to say someone that something is cringe
  • $holdup => You just understood the meaning of something
  • $cuteimage => Get a random cute image
  • $catfact => Get some knowledge by getting a random cat fact
  • $dogfact => Get some knowledge by getting a random dog fact
  • $birdfact => Get some knowledge by getting a random bird fact
  • $foxfact => Get some knowledge by getting a random fox fact
  • $uselessfact => Get some knowledge by getting a random useless fact


  • $kick @user reason => Kicks a given user
    Require Kick_Members permission
  • $mute @user reason => Mutes a given user
    Require Mute_Members permission
  • $unmute @user => Unmutes a given user
    Require Mute_Members permission
  • $ban @user reason => Bans a given user
    Require Ban_Members permission
  • $unban Someone#1234 => Unbans a given user (Name and discriminator)
    Require Ban_Members permission
  • $clear + amount => Clears a certain amount of messages in current channel
    Require Kick_Members permission
  • $setdelay + delay => Sets current channel in a given slowmode time (in secs)
    Require Mute_Members permission


  • $avatar => Get your avatar as .png insertion
  • $weather + city => Get the weather of a given city, returns : Temperature Min / Max / Feels like (in C°), Wind Speed / Angle (in knots)
  • mcstat + adress => Get information about a given minecraft server, returns : Online status, IP, Port, Player Count, Player Capacity, Required MC Version
  • analyze + message => Returs the ‘TOXICITY’, ‘SEXUAL EXPLICIT’ and ‘INSULT’ value of a given message
    Note : All information are given by Google API
  • $serverinfo => Get the current server informations
  • nick + nickname => Change your nickname easly and quickly
  • userinfo @user => Get informations about a given user, if user is None, informations will concern the message author

The bot is currently in BETA status and i want him to learn from users actions and message. If you encounter any problem again, please share them with me

These are the functionallity currently in developement :

  • Leveling System
  • Giveways
  • Customizable prefix
  • More complete Automoderation
  • Verification
  • Welcome Template
  • Website Dashboard



Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add [$] IntelliBot.ai Discord Bot to my server?

You can add [$] IntelliBot.ai to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add [$] IntelliBot.ai Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: $
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Mistiik#0001
Short link: discord.ly/dollar-intellibotai
