Dutch Bot Discord Bot Logo

Dutch Discord Bot

Invite Dutch Bot to your server and explore its Fun, Moderation, Giveaway, Tickets and Help Menu commands. Get the full Dutch Discord Bot experience!

0 upvotes in September

Dutch Discord Bot Described:

A Dutch Discord Bot that includes a lot of Features like Fun, Moderation, Giveaway, Tickets, Help Menu, Embeds etc.

-help | View the command help menu

-links | View links related to the Discord server

-remindme <list/cancel/time> [id/reminder description] | Make the bot remind you to do something

-report <@user> <reason> | Report a user in the Discord server

-suggest <idea> | Suggest something for the Discord server

-tempchannel | Manage your temp channel

-verify | Verify that you aren’t a bot account


-bugreport <bug> | Report a bug on the server

-ip | View the Minecraft server’s IP

-minecraftuser <username> | View minecraft account information

-server <ip> | View minecraft server information

-status [server] | View a Minecraft server’s status


-buy <item> | Purchase an item from the shop

-coins [@user] | Check how many coins you or another user has

-cointop [page] | Check the coin leaderboard

-daily | Get your daily coins

-pay <@user> <amount> | Send money to a user

-shop [page number] | View the Discord server’s shop

-slots <coins> | Gamble a certain amount of your coins

-work [apply/jobs/quit/jobinfo/info] | Work at a job to earn coins


-level | Check your current level

-leveltop [page] | Check the experience leaderboard

-add <@user> | Add a user to a ticket.

-application [accept/deny/close/lock/unlock] [reason] | Open the application menu and perform actions on an application

-apply | Create an application

-close [reason] | Close the ticket you are typing in

-new [reason] | Create a ticket

-remove <@user> | Remove a user from the ticket you are typing in

-rename <new name> | Rename a ticket channel


-8ball <question> | Ask the magical 8 ball a question and get an answer

-coinflip [heads/tails] [coins] | Flip a coin

-connect4 <@user> | Connect 4 game

-gamestats [@user] | View a user’s game stats

-math <equation> | Evaluate a math equation

-rps <rock/paper/scissors> | Rock paper scissors game

-rolldice | Roll a dice

-tictactoe <@user> | Tic-Tac-Toe game


-avatar [@user] | View a user’s avatar

-google <query> | Search for some thing on google

-invites | View your invites

-invitetop | View the invite leaderboard

-ping | Check the bot’s latency

-profile [@user] | View a user’s profile

-roleinfo <@role> | View information on a role

-serverinfo | View server information

-userinfo [@user] | View your or a certain user’s info


-ban <@user> <reason> | Ban a member of the server.

-bans [page number] | View a list of currently banned users

-clear <amount> [channel] | Clear a certain amount of messages

-history <@user> | View the punishment history of a user

-kick <@user> <reason> | Kick a user in the Discord server

-lock | Lock the channel so users cannot send messages

-mute <@user> <reason> | Mute a user in the Discord server

-remwarn <@user> <id> | Remove a warning from a user

-slowmode <seconds/on/off> | Turn on or off slowmode

-tempban <@user> <length> <reason> | Temporarily ban a user on the Discord server

-tempmute <@user> <length> <reason> | Temporarily mute a user on the Discord server

-unban <user ID/user tag> | Unban a user on the Discord server

-unlock | Unlock the channel you are typing in

-unmute <@user> | Unmute a user on the Discord server

-warn <@user> <reason> | Warn a user on the Discord server

-warnings [@user] | View the warnings of a user on the Discord server

-staffhelp | View the staff command help menu


-announce | Create an announcement

-closeall | Close all open tickets

-createrole | Create a role on the Discord server

-deleterole <@role> | Delete a role on the Discord server

-filter <add/delete/list> <word> | Add, delete, or view the list of filtered words

-givecoins <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Give coins to all or a certain user

-givelevels <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Give levels to all or a certain user

-giverole <@role> <@user/all/everyone> | Give all or a certain user a role

-givexp <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Give XP to all or a certain user

-msg <@user/@role/users/tickets> <normal/embed> <message> |
Message all or certain users

-prefix | Check the bot’s prefix

-react <message id> <emoji> | React to a message with an emoji

-rolemenu <menu> | Send the reaction role menu

-say <normal/embed/advanced> <message/embed properties> | Make the bot send a certain message

-snote <message> | Send a message in a suggestion channel

-takecoins <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Take coins from all or a certain user

-takelevels <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Take levels from all or a certain user

-takerole <@role> <@user/all/everyone> | Take a role from all or a certain user

-takexp <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Take XP from all or a certain user

-topic [#channel] (new topic) | Change the topic of a channel

-update <message> | Create an update

-vote | Create a poll


-gcreate | Create a giveaway

-gdelete [giveaway name] | Delete the ongoing giveaway

-greroll [giveaway name] [@user] | Create a new set of winners for the giveaway

-gstop [giveaway name] | Force a giveaway to end


-backup [save/restore] | Backup or restore your discord server.

-botinfo | View info about Corebot

-code | Users can use this to determine if you are using a legitimate copy of Corebot.

-command [command] [enable|disable] | Enable or disable a command

-eval <code> | Evalute code on the bot (dangerous)

-key <key> | Install a corebot addon

-modules [module] [enable|disable] | Enable or disable a module

-reset <coins/xp/tickets/giveaways/punishments/warnings/jobs/games/saved roles> | Reset coins or exp of a user

-setactivty | Set the bot’s activity

-setcoins <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Set the coins of all or a certain user

-setexp <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Set the exp of all or a certain user

-setlevel <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Set the level of all or a certain user

-setprefix <prefix> | Set the bot’s prefix

-setstatus | Set the bot’s status

-setup | Create any missing channels and roles for the server

-reload [addons|commands|events|config] | Reload certain aspects of the bot

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Dutch Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Dutch to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Dutch Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: -
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Ormani3#0001
