-help | View the command help menu
-links | View links related to the Discord server
-remindme <list/cancel/time> [id/reminder description] | Make the bot remind you to do something
-report <@user> <reason> | Report a user in the Discord server
-suggest <idea> | Suggest something for the Discord server
-tempchannel | Manage your temp channel
-verify | Verify that you aren’t a bot account
-bugreport <bug> | Report a bug on the server
-ip | View the Minecraft server’s IP
-minecraftuser <username> | View minecraft account information
-server <ip> | View minecraft server information
-status [server] | View a Minecraft server’s status
-buy <item> | Purchase an item from the shop
-coins [@user] | Check how many coins you or another user has
-cointop [page] | Check the coin leaderboard
-daily | Get your daily coins
-pay <@user> <amount> | Send money to a user
-shop [page number] | View the Discord server’s shop
-slots <coins> | Gamble a certain amount of your coins
-work [apply/jobs/quit/jobinfo/info] | Work at a job to earn coins
-level | Check your current level
-leveltop [page] | Check the experience leaderboard
-add <@user> | Add a user to a ticket.
-application [accept/deny/close/lock/unlock] [reason] | Open the application menu and perform actions on an application
-apply | Create an application
-close [reason] | Close the ticket you are typing in
-new [reason] | Create a ticket
-remove <@user> | Remove a user from the ticket you are typing in
-rename <new name> | Rename a ticket channel
-8ball <question> | Ask the magical 8 ball a question and get an answer
-coinflip [heads/tails] [coins] | Flip a coin
-connect4 <@user> | Connect 4 game
-gamestats [@user] | View a user’s game stats
-math <equation> | Evaluate a math equation
-rps <rock/paper/scissors> | Rock paper scissors game
-rolldice | Roll a dice
-tictactoe <@user> | Tic-Tac-Toe game
-avatar [@user] | View a user’s avatar
-google <query> | Search for some thing on google
-invites | View your invites
-invitetop | View the invite leaderboard
-ping | Check the bot’s latency
-profile [@user] | View a user’s profile
-roleinfo <@role> | View information on a role
-serverinfo | View server information
-userinfo [@user] | View your or a certain user’s info
-ban <@user> <reason> | Ban a member of the server.
-bans [page number] | View a list of currently banned users
-clear <amount> [channel] | Clear a certain amount of messages
-history <@user> | View the punishment history of a user
-kick <@user> <reason> | Kick a user in the Discord server
-lock | Lock the channel so users cannot send messages
-mute <@user> <reason> | Mute a user in the Discord server
-remwarn <@user> <id> | Remove a warning from a user
-slowmode <seconds/on/off> | Turn on or off slowmode
-tempban <@user> <length> <reason> | Temporarily ban a user on the Discord server
-tempmute <@user> <length> <reason> | Temporarily mute a user on the Discord server
-unban <user ID/user tag> | Unban a user on the Discord server
-unlock | Unlock the channel you are typing in
-unmute <@user> | Unmute a user on the Discord server
-warn <@user> <reason> | Warn a user on the Discord server
-warnings [@user] | View the warnings of a user on the Discord server
-staffhelp | View the staff command help menu
-announce | Create an announcement
-closeall | Close all open tickets
-createrole | Create a role on the Discord server
-deleterole <@role> | Delete a role on the Discord server
-filter <add/delete/list> <word> | Add, delete, or view the list of filtered words
-givecoins <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Give coins to all or a certain user
-givelevels <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Give levels to all or a certain user
-giverole <@role> <@user/all/everyone> | Give all or a certain user a role
-givexp <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Give XP to all or a certain user
-msg <@user/@role/users/tickets> <normal/embed> <message> |
Message all or certain users
-prefix | Check the bot’s prefix
-react <message id> <emoji> | React to a message with an emoji
-rolemenu <menu> | Send the reaction role menu
-say <normal/embed/advanced> <message/embed properties> | Make the bot send a certain message
-snote <message> | Send a message in a suggestion channel
-takecoins <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Take coins from all or a certain user
-takelevels <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Take levels from all or a certain user
-takerole <@role> <@user/all/everyone> | Take a role from all or a certain user
-takexp <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Take XP from all or a certain user
-topic [#channel] (new topic) | Change the topic of a channel
-update <message> | Create an update
-vote | Create a poll
-gcreate | Create a giveaway
-gdelete [giveaway name] | Delete the ongoing giveaway
-greroll [giveaway name] [@user] | Create a new set of winners for the giveaway
-gstop [giveaway name] | Force a giveaway to end
-backup [save/restore] | Backup or restore your discord server.
-botinfo | View info about Corebot
-code | Users can use this to determine if you are using a legitimate copy of Corebot.
-command [command] [enable|disable] | Enable or disable a command
-eval <code> | Evalute code on the bot (dangerous)
-key <key> | Install a corebot addon
-modules [module] [enable|disable] | Enable or disable a module
-reset <coins/xp/tickets/giveaways/punishments/warnings/jobs/games/saved roles> | Reset coins or exp of a user
-setactivty | Set the bot’s activity
-setcoins <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Set the coins of all or a certain user
-setexp <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Set the exp of all or a certain user
-setlevel <amount> <@user/all/everyone> | Set the level of all or a certain user
-setprefix <prefix> | Set the bot’s prefix
-setstatus | Set the bot’s status
-setup | Create any missing channels and roles for the server
-reload [addons|commands|events|config] | Reload certain aspects of the bot