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Play Wordle on Discord! Includes multiple word lists and keeps track of your stats.

Back to DWordle

DWordle is a Discord bot that allows you to play Wordle on Discord servers or in a private chat with the bot. DWordle uses the same words as the original Wordle game by default.

What is Wordle?

Wordle is a word game developed by Josh Wardle. Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position. (Wikipedia)

Available word lists

official: Same word list as the original game

german: Word list from the German Wordle.at game

How do I use the bot?

The bot has the following slash commands:

/wordle info: Displays info about the bot

/wordle stats: Shows the DWordle stats

/wordle start: Starts a new wordle game with the specified word list (official if none is specified)

/wordle end: Ends your currently running wordle game

I need help!

Send a DM to Cerus#5149 or create an issue on the GitHub repository.


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Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.