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Dynella is a dynamic Genshin Impact themed bot for a lot of Genshin Impact information.

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Dynella is a dynamic Genshin Impact themed bot for a lot of Genshin Impact information.
Check out our Updates and Announcements!


Please remember that this list might not be updated, so type a / to see the available commands.

  • /help | THis command gives you some helpful information about the bot.

  • /invite | This command will give you the invite link to the bot and discord server.

  • /support | This command will give you the invite link to our support server.

  • /inbox | This command will allow you to see your message inbox for the bot. The message inbox usually includes any important information and update change logs.

  • /character (COMING BACK SOON!) | This command will give you a list of all characters that currently have information available.

For more information, join our support server or use the /help command!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.