Dyno Commands
Discover the full list of Dyno commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the Dyno Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.
View Dyno Discord Bot
Here are the Commands for Dyno Bot:
- /addemote name link file - Adds an emote to the server
- /addmod role - Add a moderator role.
- /addrank rank - Add a new rank for members to join, role must exist.
- /addrole name color hoist - Add a new role, with optional color and hoist.
- /afk mod ignore channel - Use in a channel to not return from AFK when talking in that channel.
- /afk mod ignored - Lists afk ignored channels
- /afk mod reset member - Resets the AFK status message to default for a member
- /afk mod clear member - Remove the AFK status of a member
- /afk mod clearall - Remove the AFK status of all members
- /afk mod list page - List AFK statuses
- /afk set message - Set an AFK status shown when you're mentioned, and display in nickname.
- /announce channel message mention - Send an announcement using the bot.
- /avatar user user - Gets a users main avatar
- /avatar guild user - Gets a users guild avatar, if they have one
- /avatar get user - Gets a users avatar
- /ban user duration reason preserve_messages no_appeal - Ban a member, optional time limit
- /case case_id - Show a single mod log case
- /cat - Find some cute cat pictures.
- /clean count - Clean up Dyno's responses.
- /clearnotes user - Delete all notes for a member
- /clearwarn user - Clear warnings for a user
- /color color - Show a color using hex.
- /command command - Enable/disable a command.
- /covid all - Get global stats.
- /covid country country - Get stats for a country
- /covid state state - Get stats for a US state
- /covid top - List top countries by cases
- /customs enable command - Enable a custom command.
- /customs disable command - Disable a custom command.
- /customs show command - Show a custom command.
- /customs list - List all custom commands.
- /dadjoke - Get a random Dad joke.
- /deafen user reason - Deafen a member
- /delmod role - Remove a moderator role.
- /delnote user noteid - Delete a note about a member
- /delrank rank - Delete an existing rank, does not delete the role.
- /delrole role - Delete a role.
- /delwarn warning - Delete a warning
- /diagnose command_or_module - Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems.
- /discrim discrim - Shows users with a certain discriminator
- /distance coord1 coord2 - Get the distance between two sets of coordinates
- /dog - Find some cute dog pictures.
- /duration case_id duration - Change the duration of a mute/ban
- /dynoavatar member - Generates a Dyno-like avatar.
- /editnote user noteid text - Edit a note about a member
- /emotes search - Gets a list of server emojis
- /flip - Flip a coin.
- /github repository - Get info on a Github repository.
- /giveaway create channel winners duration name - Creates a new giveaway.
- /giveaway end message - Immediately end a giveaway.
- /giveaway reroll message user - Rolls new winners for an ended giveaway. If no winner is specified, all winners will be rerolled.
- /help command - Shows help info and commands.
- /highlights add phrase - Create a highlight using a phrase for this server
- /highlights delete phrase - Stop highlighting a phrase for this server
- /highlights list page - Show active highlights in this server
- /ignorechannel channel - Toggles command usage in a channel. (Does not affect mods and managers).
- /ignored - List ignored users, roles, and channels
- /ignorerole role - Toggles command usage for a role. (Does not affect mods and managers).
- /ignoreuser user - Toggles command usage for a user
- /inviteinfo code - Get information about an invite.
- /itunes song - Get info on a song.
- /kick user reason - Kick a member.
- /listmods - List moderators.
- /lock channel duration message - Lock a channel with optional timer and message.
- /lockdown start message - Start lockdown of multiple channels
- /lockdown end - End lockdown of multiple channels
- /membercount - Get the server member count.
- /members role - List members in a role(s) (max 90)
- /mentionable role mentionable - Toggle making a role mentionable on/off.
- /moderations user page - Get a list of active moderations (timed).
- /modlogs user page - Get a list of moderation logs for a user.
- /modstats user - Get moderation statistics for a mod/admin (may take up to 30 minutes to update).
- /module module - Enable/disable a module.
- /modules - List available modules
- /mute user limit reason - Mute a member so they cannot type.
- /nick nickname - Change the bot nickname.
- /note user text - Add note(s) about a member
- /notes user - Get notes for a user
- /pokemon pokemon - Get info on pokemon
- /poll show message - Show the results of a poll
- /poll create message choice1 choice2 choice3 choice4 choice5 choice6 choice7 choice8 choice9 choice10 - Start a poll (max 10 choices)
- /prefix prefix - Get or set the command prefix for this server.
- /pug - Find some cute pug pictures.
- /purge any count - Delete any message type.
- /purge user count user - Delete messages that were sent by this user
- /purge match count text - Delete messages that contain this text
- /purge startswith count text - Delete messages that start with the selected text
- /purge not count text - Delete messages not containing the selected text.
- /purge endswith text count - Delete messages that end with the selected text
- /purge after message count - Delete messages that are after a specific message (ID or link)
- /purge links count - Delete messages that contain links
- /purge invites count - Delete messages that contain invites
- /purge images count - Delete messages that contain images
- /purge mentions count - Delete messages that contain mentions
- /purge embeds count - Delete messages that contain embeds
- /purge bots count - Delete messages that were sent by bots.
- /purge humans count - Delete messages that were sent by humans (non-bots)
- /purge text count - Delete messages that contains text (non-images/files)
- /randomcolor - Generates a random hex color with preview.
- /rank rank - Join/leave a rank