Dzha Jnew Discord Bot Logo

Dzha Jnew Discord Bot

Get Dzha Jnew Bot to your server, with Anti Swear system, Music, Simple Setup and commands: serverinfo, userinfo. Invite Dzha Jnew Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in January

Dzha Jnew Discord Bot Described:

Anti swear system, Music, Simple Setup, commands: serverinfo, userinfo.
Dzha Jnew: Anti swear

Brief Intoduction:

The Dzha Jnew , Programmed and developed by 4 developers. Our porpuse is to make a revolution in the Kurdish community.
Dzha Jnew bot (DJB) is a Discord bot made, programmed and developed using Discord.js official library and JavaScript programming language.



setup(requires Administrator) Allows you to set up anti swear by choosing in wich rooms it will be applied for - for all channels / for each

serverinfo - Shows informantion about current Discord server : name, region, id, creation date, channel count, member count, boost level, server owner, emoji count.

userinfo - Gives info about requested user : user Id, last message, last message Id, roles, user creation date.


Music Commands:

play (link / name) - Plays the requested song.

stop - Stops the current playing song.

skip - Skips the current playing song.

disconnect - Disconnects from the current voice channel.

join (Only available while in voice channel) - Joines current voice channel.



Ascii(text) - A fun command that allows you to type in a different way . try it!

avatar(@) - Shows requested user's avatar with the option to export it as a file [jpg|png|webp]


Additional Information:

The bot has came in order to make an revolution in the Kurdish community . Our bot is very friendly and easy to use, offers most used commands and much more soon so it will be easier for users to find and use the right comamnds for them.


Having problems with setting up the bot? I have the right answer for you. Join our Discord support server

Having any suggestions for the team? Join our support server and talk directly to us! We always like to hear feedbacks!


Thanks for having your time, we really hope you will like our bot and find it useful.

Most regards,

© Dzha Jnew team.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Dzha Jnew Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Dzha Jnew to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Dzha Jnew Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: m!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: FAIMAN#0007