You are searching a Discord Bot with many features?
Then maybe this Bot is something for you.
The Eclipse Bot has Moderation, Utility and Fun features.
Here is a List of our Commands yet:
(fun, utility, moderation, ticket, reaction)
e!help fune!dice - The dice
e!lost - The Lostometer
e!dice - The dice
e!rps - Rock, Paper, Scissors
e!coinflip - Flips a Coin
e!lost - The Lostometer
e!userinfo - Informations about a Member
e!avatar - The Avatar of a Member
e!embed - Send a Message in an Embed
e!poll - Create a Poll
e!clear - Clear Messages from Chat
e!changeprefix - Change the prefix of your Server
e!nuke - Clears a whole channel
e!delete - Delete a channel
e!gstart - Create a Giveaway
e!invite - Invite the Bot to your Server
e!server - Invite for our Support Server
e!owner - Informations about the Owner
e!ping - Pong!
e!kick - Kick a Member
e!ban - Ban a Member
e!unban - Unban a User
e!mute - Mute a Member
e!unmute - Unmute a Member
e!warn - Warn a Member
e!swearprotect - Enable/Disable Swearprotection on your Discord
e!reactadd - Add a Reaction Role
e!reactremove - Remove a Reaction Role
e!ticket setup - Setup a support channel
e!ticket new - Open a new ticket
e!ticket close - Close a ticket
e!ticket delete - Delete a ticket
So what else is there to think about? Click on the invite Button and have Fun with our Bot.