Elemental Discord Bot Logo

Elemental Discord Bot

Invite Elemental Bot to your server and enjoy its powerful moderation, utility, modmail, logging, giveaway, poll, and public role commands. Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

Elemental Discord Bot Described:

A powerful, user-friendly Discord bot offering a variety of commands for moderation, utilities, modmail, logging, giveaways, polls, public roles, and more.

Elemental Discord Server

Command Documentation

Web Dashboard

About Elemental

Elemental is a Discord bot with customization and utility at heart. Unique features, powerful moderation, extensive utility, and comprehensive logging ability offered by Elemental around the clock all serve to help keep your servers running smoothly.

Some of Elemental’s features:

Slash Commands Modmail Auto Channels Giveaways
Right-Click Commands Moderation Logging Customizable Permissions
Auto Moderator Raid Detector Invite Detector Media Detector
Public Roles Reaction Roles Economy Roles Custom Commands
Auto Roles Role Messages Votes Polls
Raid Handling Tools Prize Drops Reminders

Web-based Dashboard

That’s right, you can log in and set up a great deal of what Elemental can do from the comfort and ease of your favorite browser! Just visit the dashboard, log in, and invite Elemental to your server to get started.

Documentation and Commands

Elemental currently offers over 150 slash commands, context menus, and buttons providing a range of powerful tools for moderation, logging, utility, and customizability. Documentation for commands and other bot functions can be found on the website under “Docs”, and if you get stuck you’re always welcome to drop by the Discord server to request assistance.

Most of the features listed above may be customized via the web-based dashboard, so be sure to log in for the simplest setup experience.

Support and Feedback

The Discord server is also the place to leave feedback and suggestions, which is super helpful for the growth and life of Elemental! If you’ve got feedback or suggestions to give, please be sure to share!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Elemental Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Elemental to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Elemental Discord Bot' on this page.

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