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EmiRadio is a discord bot wich allow to play radios from its database.

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EmiRadio is a discord bot wich allow to play radios from its database.

Today, EmiRadio database has 4 radios. In the future, we will add radios, in several languages of course.
Here you can see some of EmiRadio stations

For the moment in the 4 radios, there are 2 from France, one from Belgium and one from Spain.

Why you have to choose EmiRadio?

EmiRadio is constantly in development, which means that when you wake up one morning you will see additions such as new radio stations, or new commands.

For the next update we hope to be able to add more radios, 5 will be perfect. A category of fun commands as well as some informative commands.

EmiRadio currently has 8 commands including 3 for radios.
EmiRadio’s website is currently in development.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.