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Upvote 4moji

A bot that takes uploaded pictures and turns them into 4 emojis

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EmojiMaker Commands & Descriptions

e!create - Turns an uploaded picture into 4 separate emojis that resemble the picture

e!delete - Deletes the first attached emoji after the command, or a set of emojis, this can be done by doing e!delete set [numbers before underscore]

e!help - Sends a help message that explains all of the commands

e!prefix - Sets a server-specific prefix that can vary in each one

e!stats - Sends the bots statistics including its member count and server count

Coming Soon - Ability to create emojis through links, & support for other file types

Support Server: https://discord.gg/mUqTgvU

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.